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Writer's pictureOnna Weber


long time no speak guys.

But as we all know, speaking can be hard at times.

Today is the 6th of march and I am on my way back from Kiruna.

4 months of living in the most beautiful bubble.

With nothing else to worry about, but how to get the damn anchor out of the snow with 12 dogs pulling the sled at the same time.

Well, I am sitting at Arlanda airport waiting for my flight back into reality. Back to the place I have been successfully running away from for the past 2 years. Back to social expectations, career pressure, no snow, and complicated relationships.


And as always I am already making up the right answer to THE QUESTION that everyone loves to ask ever so casually. Like asking me to hand over the butter.


I realized that this question has a similar effect on me as asking a post-anorexic person how the eating is going for them.

Even though they might be eating fine, it is always that little bit of doubt in the question that makes your blood run cold...

With time I learned to understand that a lot of people have lost their instinct for human behavior. Same as they can't read a dog's mimic and gestures they are just used to getting what they want, regardless of the dog wanting a pet or the person wanting to answer.

But how can it even get that far? How can I a joyful, successful young woman not only run against the wall but break through it?

I have spent hours, days, most probably months asking myself this over and over again. HOW?

Well, the answer is almost too simple to be true...

But if you always put yourself last and the people around you first. You will break.

And after you break you will have to stand there with yourself a person you know less than your mailman.

But now as you aren't doing everything for everyone, they want to know, what the hell you are doing instead.


Running, running from love, running from pain, running from THE QUESTION...

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