Impact on me, on you and on us. What the fuck is truly Impactful.
A few months ago I was sitting at my Therapist and she asked me, what I really want.
`what I want right now? (a gin&tonic a good party and a hot guy to dance bachata with on the beach)´ I thought. But obviously that was not the question. So I answered ´I want to make a positive impact on this world.´This has been my go-to answer to this question the past 4 years and I must admit people are usually quite impressed and satisfied with it.
Well, she wasn't: ´So what is Impact for you?
Me: `Doing something that makes this world a bit better, doing my part for society, for nature, for humanity. Leaving this earth knowing I have made a substantial chance and did everything in my power to achieve it.`
But is Impact biased?
The answer is NO ITS NOT! Its a bit like with dreams. Depending on who you are, lifestyle, characteristics and lets face it, the opportunities you have had, dreams and your interpretation of Impact can be very different to the person living across your street.
I have spend a lot of time judging people for their lack of `Impact Interest` WHY the fuck would you not want to help make this world that you call your home better?
Until I understood that their dimension of Impact is just very different to mine.
Now where does this lead us to? How do we find common ground? A base where thoughts can find a tennis court to bounce ideas and visions back and forth?
The answer is ASK!
Ask them how they are impacting their families, friends and colleges.
Ask what would make them happy and if they would have the guts to speak up with their idea or dreams, never mind how small the impact is.
We need to take our own fear of stepping into the discomfort of a challenging conversation. Its painful, frustrating and enjoying, I know. But it's our biggest weapon..
So I figured...
Every thought you can embrace and hit straight into the other persons court is Impactful. It's the little seed you plant in a person, with time and stimulation it will grow and create drive and passion. Leading to Impactful actions.
Last I wanted to say that I am soooo thankful for all the wonderful feedback I got after the launch of Clouds & Rocks! As you might know, this was never meant to go public and I had to bring up quite some courage to actually share it. I am so sorry to say that I still was not able to fix a comment box under each blog post. But here is the link to the general comment box. Scroll down and feel free to embrace your thoughts ;)
I want Clouds & Rocks to be a place of conversation, critical thinking and respect. Also a place where it is the norm to speak out the unusual and the seemingly unreachable. Subscribe for your dream dosage!
Love and Light xoxo